Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Happy Cranky Day

Some days, don't you really wish you could just say "Screw it - I'm outa here!"

The weird thing is that it hasn't really been a bad day, just lots of little frustrations. Today, people are ignoring my e-mails, and are not calling back. I have rewritten the same blasted presentation six times at last count and it's still not done. I am waiting to receive the final slide from someone else, which will undoubtedly NOT be what's required, and I will end up scrambling to redo it -- despite the fact I know virtually nothing about the subject.

I haven't had lunch yet, and I will spend most of the afternoon in a pointless staff meeting, where I will feel obliged to be polite and upbeat and attentive -- rather than run screaming like a banshee from the building, which is what I will really feel like doing.

Today I feel stupid and incompetent and generally pissed off. So, I'm declaring it officially Cranky Day.

And in honour of Cranky Day, I now ask you to raise your hand to your heart and recite with me this stirring anthem:


Today I will not live up to my potential.
Today I will not relate well to my peer group.
Today I wll not contribute in class.
I will not volunteer one thing.

Today I will not strive to do better.
Today I will not achieve or adjust or grow enriched or get involved.
I will not put up my hand even if the teacher is wrong and I can prove it.

Today I might eat the eraser off my pencil.
I'll look at clouds.
I'll be late.
I don't think I'll wash.

I need a rest.

(from Hey World, Here I Am by Jean Little)



At 12:42 PM, January 18, 2006, Blogger Susan as Herself said...

Huh. Cranky Day sounds a lot like every Monday through Friday in my world! :)

At 5:22 PM, January 18, 2006, Blogger ink said...

Susan - That's why I love reading your blog so much. It's like you live in a sitcom!

Sister - Yeah. I actually did that on Thursday last week ... well, sort of. I was feeling o.k., but knew if I went in to work my migraine would be back in no time. So I called in sick, and had a lovely "puttering about" kind of day. Mental health -- what a concept!

At 6:34 PM, January 18, 2006, Blogger ink said...

Susan - BTW, just to expand on my comment above ... I love reading your blog because you have a way of turning all of the crappy and humdrum stuff into something that makes people smile - including me. Besides, I can SO see you starring in your own half-hour show: "Now Starring ... Susan as Herself!" I'd watch it. Really!

At 11:41 AM, January 19, 2006, Blogger Susan as Herself said...

Well, as long as my show wasn't on MTV (too many low-rider jeans) or on Lifetime (too much diesease and weeping), I might consider it... Hahaha.

At 9:23 AM, January 24, 2006, Blogger St. Dickeybird said...



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