Friday, May 26, 2006

Bereft of life, [it] rests in peace

All good things must come to an end. Some sooner than later, it appears. I am sorry to report that my MP3 player, which Himself gave me last Christmas, has gone to that place where consumer electronics are eternally blessed. The creature was always a bit temperamental, it must be said, so I’m not entirely surprised that it’s finally decided to ignore any and all attempts to recharge its battery.

(For the record, we have tried: (i) charging it at three different computers for up to 24 hours at a time; (ii) pressing the recessed “reset” button with pins, paper clips and other small pointy things; (iii) begging, pleading and cursing – in that order; (iv) ignoring it so it gets lonely and starts to play nicely; (v) sneaking up on it and pressing the play button at unexpected moments in the hopes of surprising it into working; and, finally, (vi) shaking it violently and (vii) whacking it – gently! – a couple of times on the table. No luck. To quote from a famous British comedy skit which shall remain nameless, “Bereft of life, he rests in peace. If he weren’t nailed to a perch he’d be pushing up the daisies.”)

Of course, the problem might simply be that I can’t figure out how to make it work. This failure is not entirely my fault, since the instructions are … creative … to say the least. Take this brief extract from the instruction manual, for example: “’Low Battery’ is displayed after remaining quantity of the battery icon increasingly reduces and the battery must be charged. Charging starts while the USB & Charging figure flickers on the LCD screen if connecting the USB terminal of the PC after connecting the USB cable to the earphone terminal of the product. Bumping figure is displayed on the LCD screen if charging is completed.”

Hmmm. Perhaps I should have paid more attention to that last “if.”

Unfortunately, now that my MP3 player is “ex,” my morning workouts are now enlivened by the appalling techno-pop and drill-sergeant-meets-Katie-Couric voice from the High-Low aerobics class next to the weight room. I should perhaps mention that I am NOT a morning person.

So, to avoid further damage to my sensitive soul – or to Evil Bouncy Aerobics Lady in the next room – I need a new MP3 player … soon! As you can imagine, I’m not too keen to repeat my current experience, so I’d like to get your advice. What brand of player do you own (if own one you do)? How long have you had it? Are you happy with it? Are there things you don’t like about it? What are its best features? Its worst? How long does it play before the battery runs down? What would YOU look for if you were buying a new MP3 player?

I’m all ears … since I don’t have anything to plug into them any longer!


At 9:57 AM, May 26, 2006, Blogger St. Dickeybird said...

Excuse me, did you say you put the USB into the headphone jack????
That sounds really bad.

I love my iPod. It's an older model, but it's easy to use, and has a great memory-for-dollar ratio.

I don't know what I'd do if I lost mine. Cry, replace it, kill someone...

At 3:00 PM, May 26, 2006, Blogger Susan as Herself said...

I wish I could help you, but I am one of the sad, desperate people you see wandering the streets without wires dangling from her ears. I have never had the honor of owning an MP3. I will live vicariously through your search and long for the day that I too can hear a million songs from a tiny box in my hand.

At 3:23 PM, May 26, 2006, Blogger tornwordo said...

I don't have one. I found one once on a park bench. Took it home, went on the net and found instructions and worked on putting all my music onto it. Then the second time I used it, I turned down the volume and the button got stuck in the "turn down" position and therefore was ever after at 0 Volume. Thus it was useless. The whole experience made me think, "If I want to schlep, I can use the discman, and a cd holds 100 songs anyway."

At 3:48 PM, May 26, 2006, Blogger ink said...

St. D - *I* didn't say anything. That was the instructions ... such as they are. I was wondering whether the real McCoy iPod was worth the $. Sounds like yours has given you full ... er ... satisfaction.

Susan - As a stopgap measure, I suggest you immediately create a talking hand (à la those extremely irritating Palmolive commercials) with musical leanings. Then you'll have your whole repitoire at your fingertips! [pun fully intended]

BTW, LOVE the new pic!

Wordo - I got the original MP3 player because my discman finally bit the dust after many years of faithful service. I must admit, though, I've seriously wondered whether the gizmo is worth all the time it takes to set up and maintain. Just digitizing our CDs took weeks. Luckily, Himself loves taking care of this kind of thing, so all I need to worry about is picking the albums I want to download.

At 11:14 PM, May 28, 2006, Blogger mainja said...

i like my iriver. it has a radio. i like that feature because i can get my cbc fix...

At 12:47 PM, May 29, 2006, Blogger Snooze said...

I can't find my iPod mini right now. I'm hoping it's somewhere in my bedroom. It's served me well and I love it for working out. That's the only time I use it, and a discman wouldn't work. Too bulky and they skip.

At 1:47 PM, May 30, 2006, Blogger St. Dickeybird said...

Wifey likes her Creative MP3 player.

I can't see hooking the USB into the headphone jack! That shouldn't be compatible - did it work?

At 1:49 PM, May 30, 2006, Blogger Greg the Surly said...

A proper end would require a spin in the microwave at work. Thus, making sure it will never play again. 10 seconds should do the trick. This technique is also acceptable for CDs you plan to hang from the rearview ( I certainly don't encourage that, but if you must). I recommend only 4 to 5 seconds for the CD.

At 1:51 PM, May 30, 2006, Blogger Greg the Surly said...

Oh, and one of the best places to buy electronics is

Good hunting

At 12:42 PM, May 31, 2006, Blogger ink said...

Manja - Excellent point. CBC (or Radio Canada if I feel like exercising my French) is my hands-down station of choice.

Snooze - Sorry to hear your iPod mini has gone AWOL. Hope it turns up soon. Generally I assume gremlins are to blame and they'll return stuff once I've stopped looking for it.

St. D - Thanks very much for checking with Wifey - and please pass on my thanks to her for sharing her opinion. I'll definitely check it out.

As for the USB thing, my MP3 player came with an adaptor that has a USB plug - or do I mean jack ... these technical terms confuse me - on one end and pin on the other that plugs into the headphone jack on the MP3 player. That's how I hook it up to the computer to download songs and files (the beastie also double sas a thumb drive). Does that make any sense?

Greg - *grin* I like the way you think! Of course, that MIGHT just affect the warranty ...


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