Monday, March 13, 2006

Just call me "Gimpy"

Hello to all you able-bodied folks out there. How's the weather? (I ask since I haven't been outside for more than 2 minutes in the last five days).

This will be, unusually for me, a post that is short and sweet ... well, short at least ... since I'm finding it pretty uncomfortable to sit at the computer for long stretches of time.

I made another trip to Emergency last night after becoming concerned about the fact the pain in my leg was noticably increasing , and that everything from the ankle to my toes felt hot. I'm normally pretty cold-blooded at the extermities as a result of Raynaud's Disease (a fairly common circulatory disorder) so having one hot foot all the time was a bit disconcerting to say the least. I did at least call first to find out whether I was being a hypchondriac, and was mildly grateful that I wasn't just being a wuss.

The emergency doctor decided my Raynaud's was making my leg a bit sensitive to the regular fibreglass cast, and recommended I be switched to a walking cast (think oversized ski boot) instead. Unfortunately, the X-rays showed that the fracture had worsened a bit over the past few days, so I'm not actually allowed to walk on my walking cast. Instead I'm learning the fine art of getting around on crutches -- a DECIDED challenge -- at minimum until I see the orthopedic surgeon next week for a check up.

The actual walking part of crutches isn't too hard to master, but I haven't quite figured out how I'm supposed to move things around (e.g., drinks, cereal, books, etc.) with me. If anyone out there has experience using crutches and has any tips for making the next couple (or few ... or more) weeks a bit less of a pain in the a...nkle, I'd love to hear 'em.

Sorry for the rough and ready prose. I'm not feeling quite my usual elegant(yeah, right!) self these days!


At 6:36 AM, March 14, 2006, Blogger tornwordo said...

Ok gimpy, I'm pulling for a quick recovery. I have never had crutches so I can't help you with the carrying things problem. Maybe if you could balance a basket on your head at the same time and carry everything in there?

At 3:16 PM, March 14, 2006, Blogger ink said...

Tornwordo - Thanks for the good wishes. As for your creative suggestion to my "carrying stuff" dilemma, well, my lack of balance is the primary reason I'm in this mess in the first place!

Sister - Or should I say "Auntie?" I always knew I could depend on you. Thanks very much for the very sensible advice - and I'll let the orthopedic surgeon that I've been ordered to get better soon. I'm sure that'll help!

At 7:34 AM, March 15, 2006, Blogger Snooze said...

I hope that leg gets sorted out soon. Sorry to hear there were some complications. Sister's advice is sound, but I kind of like Tornwordo's idea of a basket on your head.

At 11:16 AM, March 15, 2006, Blogger Greg the Surly said...

Buy one of scooter thingies. Get yourself some rims and some fancy pinstriping, maybe some flames painted on the side. You'll be able to celebrate your gimpiness.

At 6:13 PM, March 16, 2006, Blogger ink said...

Snooze - Yeah, I think I could actually carry off the basket-thing ... for at least three seconds until I dropped everything and stood there looking like I'd been hit by a small but powerful tornado.

Greg - Scooter-thingy ... with chrome rims and racing stripes (thought about the flames, but they're too kitschy). Hmmm. I LIKE IT! But it would have to have a really loud horn so I could scare unsuspecting pedestrians.

At 7:24 PM, March 17, 2006, Blogger thephoenixnyc said...

I hope you feel better. Recover quickly. Best, M.

At 8:45 PM, March 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there,also stuck in a cast and on crutches and really sucks,I find if i don't think about the cast it doesn't bother me to much,it is uncomfortable though.


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