10 things I have learned today
*Warning - This is not a deep, insightful OR particularly well-written post ... Deal with it. -- The Management.*
Blogdom is a wonderful place, simply chock-full of interesting nuggets of information. Here are just a few things I've learned today as I've been trolling around:
1. Tornwordo knits
2. Musicians really do put a lot of thought into creating their albums (thanks, St. Dickeybird via Tornwordo's blog)
3. Snooze is a librarian ... unless that was just a joke (again, via an old post of Tornwordo's)
4. The great metropolis of Toronto is strapped for cash -- and, as a member of the federal government, it is apparently ALL ... or at least partially ... MY FAULT (thanks, Sister Staceypatrick)
5. Greg the Surly does not think he is interesting or newsworthy (on this point, as I'm sure you will agree, he is in error)
6. Dantallion is either way smarter and/or way better read than I am (GRRR!)
7. Manja can create an interesting comment thread even when she's not trying
8. Epicurist is willing to share recipes ... just not with me ...
9. Under Georgia law, parental consent to an underage marriage (i.e. where one or both parties are under 16) is NOT required if the female is pregnant. (thanks to Grumpy Bunny)
and, ::drumroll::
10. There are clothes that can identify a person as gay* (thanks again, St. D.)
*NOTE: I realize not knowing this fact before now puts me in the realm of Completely Clueless. Don't worry, I'm there so often I have my own key to the executive washroom.
So ... what did YOU learn today?
Ok, you're not going to believe this, but just before I clicked to your blog, I ruminated about the things I've learned since starting blogging, like "always have a camera at the ready" and thought how I should for my bloggiversary post ten things that blogging has taught me. Then, I clicked on your link thinking about how we'll be visiting your city this weekend, maybe I should try to meet, no maybe that's weird, he's such a good writer/thinker and then your site comes up with the topic of 10 things you learned, and I see a link to me in #1.
I didn't read the rest yet, because this is one of those weird moments (the hair actually stood up on my neck) where I feel like the universe is nudging.
Now I shall go read your post.
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I learned (via Snooze, who is indeed a librarian) that Subway fired a guy for having HIV.
I learned that I'm not the only one who thinks commercialism has taken over the spirit of the holidays.
I learned how CoffeeDog and Mrs.CoffeeDog met. Loved the tale!
PS Yes, St.Dickey's correct - I really am a librarian.
i learned that i read all the same blogs as you... ;)
Which clothes are the "gay" identifiers, I want to be careful, not that there's anything wrong with that.
I learned that ink is far, far too modest.
And that going out and partying on a school night is just not worth it.
Sorry for the delay in responding to your many insightful & educational comments, loyal readers. I haven't forgotten you ... really! It's just that I have literally not sat down at my desk for more than 5 min. at a time for the past two days.
So, with my thanks and apologies:
Tornwordo - That is a decidedly weird experience (not in an Excorcist way or anything - more a kind of cosmic serendipity). If you're asking, I would LOVE to hear your list of things you've learned since blogging. Just one other thing, though ... I think you meant to say "SHE's such a good writer/thinker" ... and thank you very much indeed! :)
Comment Deleted - "This post has been removed by the author." Hmmm. A very interesting and subtle take on the human experience in the modern world.
Comment Deleted (ii) - Ok, now you're starting to belabour the point!
St. D. - Thanks for the tip. I haven't had a chance to catch up with Snooze's (or anyone's) blog for a couple of days, but I'll definitely be seeking out that particular post. On the surface, it appears to be an outrageous and even perhaps illegal act!
Sister - I learned yesterday that the average Valentine's Day spend in Tokyo is over $1200! So in the grand scheme of things, we're not doing too badly. Either that, or we're not doing badly enough!
Greg - So, people think holidays are more commercial than spiritual. And you were surprised by that? (Personally, I'd be more surprised to hear that anyone actually CARED!)
Snooze - I'll definitely check out CoffeeDog's blog. I'm a sucker for a tale of true love. And consider me deeply impressed by your profession. I am probably the only 13-year-old whose main ambition was to become a professor or a librarian. Yes, I was (and remain) an über-geek.
Manja - Well, we women of impeccable taste have to stick together, right? BTW, I've been meaning to thank you for the link to Finslippy's blog. She's brilliant! (I'd link to it from here, but I'm not sure how. Any advice, loyal readers?)
Phoenix - You'll have to talk to St. Dickeybird about that one. I suppose a t-shirt with the words "I'M GAY" printed in large, friendly letters would count, but other than that I have no clue. If anyone out there would care to weigh in on this particular topic, I'm game!
Dantallion - Aw, g'wan! ::looks at ground and shuffles feet:: -- But really, Dan, partying on a school night? What WERE you thinking? ... Oh, and, did you happen to take pictures?
I'd be more than happy to share recipes and cook for ya, anytime! :)
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